Packet Directions
Page 1- info on Lets Find Out magazine
Page 2- Copy ABCs below the given letter
Page 3 – Has directions in Spanish and English
Pages 4-5 – count and write the number
Pages 6-9- trace, copy, write the number, and count the dots
Pages 10-12 – flash cards- cut apart and use the practice letter names, letter sounds, and number recognition
Writing pages: Please have your student draw a picture and write a sentence using the sentence starter at the bottom of the page.
The math pages have translations on them, let me know if you need more.
For the Beginning. Middle, End page: Choose a story to write and draw the beginning, middle and end of the story.
1st grade:
*Cut out number cards and use to play math games included in packet or use for addition war (directions below).
*April short vowel nonsense words- blend and read nonsense words, practice daily
*Fluency reading passages- time for 1 minute, record words read in 1 minute, read passage several more times, answer comprehension questions, read again and time for 1 minute, record score.
*Rainbow writing spelling words- can practice writing spelling words in variety of colors from rainbow
*Roll a sight word- if you have dice, roll and read/write word for # rolled, if you don’t have dice just practice writing words
*Several pages to write stories or write re-tells of a story- can use any book/story they’ve read to write story elements including characters, setting, events (focus on sequence: beginning, middle, end)
*Math pages- complete pages for addition/subtraction, +1,-1, +10, -10, greater than, less than review, and # writing
*Math games—instructions are on each page—modify for supplies on hand, example: for game counters/markers use beans, cereal, coins, small candy
Addition War- shuffle number cards and put in pile in middle upside down, each player takes 2 cards and adds numbers together, person with greater sum keeps all cards from that hand, both players take 2 cards and play continues until all cards are gone from middle pile, person with most cards at end is the winner.
In event of a tie: take 2 more cards each and repeat steps and winner of that hand keeps all cards.
2nd Grade:
-We have included writing prompts with paper that your child can pick from and write about that prompt.
-There are 3 different reading/fluency passages that you can time them on reading and also have comprehension questions for them to answer from the story.
-We have been working on compare/contrast and have 2 sheets that they get to find differences and similarities on two different pictures.
-They have vocabulary definitions pages and then they need to place those vocabulary words in the correct sentences based on their definitions page.
-spelling sorting is just having them write the correct word in the correct spelling pattern boxes.
-In math they have some practice sheet interpreting pictographs and bar graphs. They need to answer the questions based on the provided data.
-We have been writing numbers in expanded form since the beginning of school. e.g 243 200+40+3 Break up the numbers into 100s, 10s, and 1s.
-Extra practice with adding and subtracting double digits. Some of the problems require regrouping which parents know as carrying and borrowing. Having the kids understand that we break a 10 up to make more ones for subtraction (borrowing) or gather ten ones and place it in the 10’s place (carrying) is how we explain it to them. They have also been doing this regrouping math for 2 months now and should understand how to do it.
*Letting them explain the math to you is a wonderful way of them expressing the depth of their knowledge.
3rd Grade:
Hi Third Graders!!!
The week 2 packet includes a multiplication table that can help you with your facts: both to complete the fact pages in the packet and to help you study. The Character Comparisons Chart is blank so that you can compare and contrast (find similarities and differences) between two characters from a book, movie or video game of your choice. There is one add/subtract page so you can practice those important skills. (And yes parents, the kids can carry and borrow when they are adding and subtracting). The other math pages included in the packet are rounding and finding area. (Remember, to find area, use your multiplication facts – length x width). There is one passage about Monarch Butterflies with comprehension questions that you can answer after reading the information. The writing prompt asks you to imagine what you would do with one hundred dollars that you can’t keep. Give a lot of details in your answer but have fun with your response. The last page is about Building Empathy. Read the story and answer the questions that follow. We want to keep challenging your brain and keep it in good health, but please skip any pages that are just too hard! Please do what you can!
We miss you!!!
Mr. Curfman, Ms. Funkhouser, Mrs. Hoffee and Mrs. Larson